Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Hey Everybody!
TXU has given up! Three major companies bought out TXU yesterday, which means 8 of the new coal plants that were planned are now off the table! The companies that are buying TXU met for 17 hours with environmental groups about how to make Texas green and negotiating the coal plant deal. I have insights to the meeting and TXU claimed that their name has too tarnished over the past year that it's becoming difficult for them. This was due to the efforts of community, environmental, church, and social groups from across Texas and the country. Hell Yeah! See what can happen when Democracy is bigger than Apathy! However, the new 3 proposed coal plants are going to be built the old method, meaning tons of pollutants in the air. Keep pressuring them to build them using gassification methods which are much much cleaner.


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