Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Central Valley Classic

This past weekend happened to be a record low for Central California. It actually snowed in Santa Cruz! Friday was supposed to be a 6 mile uphill time trial in the mountains West of Fresno. The freezing temperatures caused there to be ice on the road, so the morning of, it was changed to a 17 mile flat course. 12 miles flat as a pancake in a headwind and the last 5 a little less flat with a side wind, with the last kilometer uphill (finally). Allright! Just what I didn't want! Well, I learned a valuable lesson on Friday...always wear a watch before races and set the watch to the official time. Needless to say, I was late for my start time and I have absolutely no idea what my time was because I was so pissed off at myself I didn't even start my watch. I just took off and rode as hard as I could. The official time has me as being out there for an hour, which I know is sooo off. I figure at least it wasn't a stage race nor the uphill tt which would've been my dream course. So...I went to Big Kmart afterwards and bought myself a watch that afternoon!

Saturday was supposed to be a 90 mile circuit race. (6 laps of 15 miles). This as well was flat like driving through Midland/Odessa. As we all lined up with rain coats and 5 layers a piece on, the officials asked if any of us would protest if the race was cut to 5 laps. Of course not! What a silly question! I felt so great during the race as we were rained and sleeted on! I kept reminding myself to eat and eat because I have a problem with bonking in road races. Towards the end of the 4th lap, some squirley rider from Palo Alto on a straight away cut across the field causing a chain reaction of crashes. I was so lucky to be a part of it. I'm not quite sure what happened, but I know that my butt got run over, my neck bent like I never knew it would and my arm was pulled either by another bike or a body. Needless to say, whenever everyone got off of me, there were only two of us left and it was taking a while for me to get up. Neutral support looked at my bike, took it away and put it on top of their car. I hobbled over to a follow vehicle and they drove me back to the medical tent. I was so livid that my race was over because I felt great!

Sunday was another very cold, but sunny day in downtown Fresno. It was a crit with a 180 degree turn in it. Yes, another one of my favorite type of races!!! I was so nervous before the race that I couldn't even talk and I was shaking. I knew that there were heavy hitters out there and the pace was going to be out of the gun from the beginning. I hung in there and I was so proud of myself for holding on.


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